[NSRCA-discussion] FAT Rudder

Phil Spelt chuenkan at comcast.net
Mon Aug 24 03:51:10 AKDT 2009


I would really appreciate a write-up on what causes the need for 
right thrust (spiraling air stream from the prop hitting the 
rudder??), and what to do to correct it.  What was about the EU-1A 
that fixed it?

Many thanks,

At 07:18 AM 8/24/2009, you wrote:
>For many years, the common explanation for right thrust was torque, 
>and many people still believe that. This is a case of misdiagnosis. 
>If it is properly diagnosed, a real fix is much more likely to 
>happen, but doing so with variable thrust is not, IMHO, the best way 
>to fix it. It can be fixed aerodynamically, but then you run into 
>the "but it doesn't look cool" syndrome.

-->There are only two types of aircraft -- fighters and targets.

Phil Spelt, Webmaster & Past President, Knox County Radio Control Society, Inc.
        URL: http://www.kcrctn.com
AMA--1294,  Scientific Leader Member, SPA--177
       My URL: http://mywebpages.comcast.net/~chuenkan/
       (865) 435-1476 v  (865) 604-0541 c  
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