[NSRCA-discussion] BEC

Stuart Chale schale at optonline.net
Fri Jun 6 10:43:41 AKDT 2008

Is anyone using a BEC on their electric powered models?  I am sure this 
may have been discussed before but I was just reading a general article 
on them in Sport Flyer and began wondering why not? 
Compared to a 2 cell LIPO and regulator the BEC is about the same weight 
as the regulator (Medusa Research as an example 20 gms) and you lose the 
battery.  I run a 2 cell TP 910 mah pack which weights 44 gms.  Seems 
like an easy weight loss.  Is there a down side to using a modern BEC 
designed for 10 cell lipo packs?  Hard to believe you could have a 
catastrophic failure in the flight packs without a fire that would drive 
the voltage below that which the BEC would no longer work.

Stuart C.

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