[NSRCA-discussion] Transition to new server: phase one complete(I think)

Martin X. Moleski, SJ moleski at canisius.edu
Mon Jan 28 15:28:34 AKST 2008

John Pavlick wrote:

> Yeah it's sort of "English", but simple guys like me prefer words like "C" 
> and "Assembly". 

I've done both.  Got paid for a little bit of it.
Most of it was just for fun.

The best part was diassembling a driver, finding the bad
byte, and circulating a patch for it.  Those were the days!

Never did any binary coding.  ASM was as low as I got.

But I've enjoyed climbing the language ladder: BASIC,
pascal, C, delphi (OOP), perl, html, javascript, PHP.

They're all tools--some easier to use than others.
My brother almost got me to start using Visual BASIC,
but I finally got the hang of delphi.

> Oh I guess "C" isn't exactly a word - but it makes more 
> sense to me than "Java" or "Perl". Actually "SMF" comes from an old Twisted 
> Sister tune according to my memory... <LOL>

Not gonna say nothin' 'bout that.


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