[NSRCA-discussion] Full Scale Airport

Ed Deaver divesplat at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 01:43:02 AKST 2008

I have been put in a difficult situation here in Lubbock and am interested in some of your valued opinions.
  Our club field (now) is a small airport in Abernathy, 20 miles North of Lubbock.  The city will not close the airport for model events.  The club may not support a contest at the city field (not the club "home" field.)
  My question is;
  How do you feel about competing at a site, requiring you to immediately land as soon as a full scale plane is on final?
  I don't think there is much full scale traffic, but it only takes one incident/hard landing or interuption to that burner flight you have been looking for all summer, to make the contest unenjoyable.
  Thank you for your input.

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