[NSRCA-discussion] For Sale: NIB Temptation Kit (Deluxe w/ Jim Hubbard's FG Canopy)

Lisa & Larry lld613 at psci.net
Fri Feb 22 14:56:40 AKST 2008

OK, I've held on to this long enough. I've decided I will not be building
this kit. It has everything with it NIB. Stored inside in the house.
Currently on my son's spare bed because I'm out of room for planes.VBG


This is the Deluxe Kit w/ all sheeted wings, stab, rudder, and all hard
points installed.


One wing has very minor damage on the root leading edge. Talking with Dave
Guerin (sp???) he recommended to cut out the 1" block section and replace it
with a balsa block. The alternative was to file a claim ship it back, yada,
yada, yada.Not worth the hassle and cost as it was minor.


Lisa and I will be going to the Toledo Show. I can bring it with me. If you
decide you don't like the kit, I'll be more than happy to bring it home.If I
have more than one interested person, it will go to first person to commit.
The second person will be offered if not taken by the first at the Toledo


Temptation Deluxe w/ FG Canopy - $650.00


Please contact me offline.


For minds that want to know.Not getting out of Pattern, have one 2M on the
hooks, and a backup 60 size if needed.


Larry Diamond

NSRCA 3083 (D4)

lld613 at psci.net

812-544-2306 (home)

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