[NSRCA-discussion] Kraft info

Ron Van Putte vanputte at cox.net
Sun Aug 3 19:05:28 AKDT 2008

The Kraft connectors were called Multicon as I remember.  I still  
have a few connectors.  However, why not just splice in some modern  
JR/Hitec/Air Z connectors and avoid an extra place to fail on each  

I'm also planning on going to the Ballistic Pattern contest in  
Huntsville this weekend.  I'm finishing up a World Models Intruder  
90R and am putting in a Hanno 61 Special.  I seem to remember the  
desired pipe length from the glow plug to the baffle in the pipe as  
16" to 16.5".  Can anyone confirm that?

Ron VP

On Aug 3, 2008, at 9:07 PM, Jerry Stebbins wrote:

> I bought a Tiger Tail III many years ago that was built way back,  
> and has nose and wing retracts. It has Kraft servos and Rx, and  a  
> Signature  Series  Kraft Transmitter with it on CH 04, stickered in  
> 1993.
> Radio was built as a Custom model in March, 1978
> I am  replacing the Rx and Tx batteries.
> Several questions I need some help on.
> 1. Where can I find some 4 pin connectors to make up adapters if I  
> need to use a different TX and RX--my old Ham license is long gone..
> 2. Where can I find some kind of a Manual on the Radio.This plane  
> has retracts on the nose gear and wing gear, 2 servos on the  
> throttle, normal Ail/Rudder/Elev. setup for the time built.
> 3. Where can I find xtals to convert to a regular channel.
> Engine is an OPS 60 almost new-very good shape-and I am cleaning it  
> up to use.
> Plane was flown several times --too fast for the builder, so it  
> went in the ceiling in the basement until I found it.
> My intent was to kit the version (III) and I built a plug for the  
> fuse and canopy, and layed out the planforms and airfoils. Then  
> building and kitting the 2 meter planes got priority.
> Fixing it up for Ballistic Pattern--
> Thanks for any info--
> Jerry
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