[NSRCA-discussion] Masters Set-Up

J N Hiller jnhiller at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 26 08:39:22 AKDT 2007

Hello all, how about a new subject?
I am returning to competition after several years out and wish to begin
flying Masters. I haven't flown inverted a lot and find it quite
challenging. Reverse point rolls from inverted got my full attention right
away and I can learn to deal with it in time. The predominant problem I am
experiencing is locking on to horizontal inverted flight. I am having
difficulty releasing the elevator to the correct amount of down stick. I
using about 40% expo and would be comfortable flying with the CG further
back. Before I burn a lot of fuel trying to master the required stick
movement I would like to get some recommendations on set-up and flight
trimming. HELP!
Jim Hiller

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