[NSRCA-discussion] Airplane Weight Limits

Ron Van Putte vanputte at cox.net
Thu Jun 21 10:44:18 AKDT 2007

I just got this response from John Fuqua.

Ron Van Putte

The guys are missing the point.  It is not about what can be achieved  
on weight.  It is what is permitted by the rules.  They are not  
arguing the logic of what the rules allow (in most cases) but  
examples of what has been achieved.   Please make that point.


From: Ron Van Putte [mailto:vanputte at cox.net]
Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2007 1:18 PM
To: Fuqua John D Mr CTR USAF 697 ARSF/EN
Subject: Fwd: [NSRCA-discussion] Fwd: Electric Weight Proposal Logic  
and Rationale

Begin forwarded message:
From: Joe Lachowski <jlachow at hotmail.com>
Date: June 21, 2007 12:56:28 PM CDT
To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Fwd: Electric Weight Proposal Logic  
and Rationale
Reply-To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>

I personally do not want any change. Technology development will  
eventually even things out.

But if I were to have an increase it would only be two ounces tops.  
The majority of those planes on the heavy side are structurally  
designed for glow and are typically from what I have seen very close  
to the weight limit or are within a couple ounces of making weight. A  
couple of ounces may give you enough breathing room and at the same  
time deter even bigger and more expensive airframes from cropping up.  
Kind of a middle of the road compromise. A half pound is just way too  
much to give.

Hmmm, my Brio is 10-1/4 lbs. Fueled for a competition flight  
somewhere between 11 and 11-1/4 lbs at takeoff. Now my Astral XX is  
around 10-3/4 lbs and I can feel the disadvantages of its 8 ozs.  
heavier weight. I also have a 10lb-13oz electric but it is too early  
to tell since it only has 4 flights on it <G>.

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