[NSRCA-discussion] Chapter-5 Going too far now "missed point".

Doug Cronkhite seefo at san.rr.com
Sun Jul 1 18:27:53 AKDT 2007

One other thing..

If you use the FAI rule book as an example, on page 34 under section 
5B.4.6, they give as an example the following:

"A 4-point roll is started late and ends up slightly off-centre, and the 
third point is not visible. 10 - 1 - 6 = 3."

So they deducted 6 points for the missed point. Why not 5? What made 
this missed point worse than any other missed point?

Deduction criteria for geometry and such (which this falls into) needs 
to be absolute, and without wiggle room such as the well known 1 point 
per 15 degrees of deviation.


Dave Reaville wrote:
> Interesting... I just happen to be doing the judging exam and this is 
> one of the questions they ask to see if you know how to apply the 
> downgrades correctly :-)
> In the example given, the pilot missed a point so it's a 5 (or more) 
> point downgrade as per the AMA rule book (RCA-20)  and also the FAI 
> rule book (pg 28 5B.4.3.3).
> If your suggesting it's a zero because the manouver is flown 
> "incorrectly" then why do they have this 5 point downgrade at all?
> Let's go a little further... If I was judging you at the Nats (I just 
> might be BTW) and gave you a zero for a missed point would you 
> actually accept that as being a correct score?  I wouldn't... so you 
> guys are going to just have to get used to the 5 (or 
> more) downgrade from me..... unless of course you don't miss the 
> "point" to begin with.
> Dave 

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