[NSRCA-discussion] Dist I Mini E Pattern after Pattern

ronlock at comcast.net ronlock at comcast.net
Wed Feb 14 08:57:26 AKST 2007

As I recall, the informal "Mini Electric Pattern Event" has been held once in Dist I.
It was created by Ed Alt, and planned for Paradise last year.  When weather
in Paradise wasn't so great, it was rescheduled and flown at Sayre.

Again, as I recall, about the only rule was no more battery than a 3 cell, 2100mah LiPo.
Maybe Ed Alt can weight in here with rule details.

Ron Lockhart   
(placed 2nd or 3rd with an SX2 on 3 cell 1320mah LiPo.)

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "george w. kennie" <geobet at gis.net> 

Roy talked with me regarding his concerns about the Brio. His area of concern is principally regarding whether the size of the Brio exceeds the 1 meter limitations required for the Saturday nite mini- contest entry rules. How stringent do we need to be to meet the size limit criteria?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Bob Richards 
To: NSRCA Mailing List 
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2007 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Pattern after Pattern

Personally, I would steer away from the Brio 10.

I've been flying a small electric Katana from 3DHobbyshop.com that does precision aerobatics fairly well, much better than the Brio 10 IMHO. Also, the Extreme Flight Extra is good. Extreme Flight is coming out with a slightly larger pattern plane (48" span) as well as 3DHobbyShop.


Bob R.

Roy M Medina <roymedina at verizon.net> wrote:
I am wondering, which plane would be a good or allowable choice for saturday evening mini pattern in shows like the Pattern in Paradise D1. I am trying to get a head start, I build slow so any suggestions would appreciated.  I am thinking something like Brio 10 would be the norm.

Thanks Roy,
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From: "george w. kennie" <geobet at gis.net>
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Pattern after Pattern
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