[NSRCA-discussion] Foam Wing Cutting

jimmy graver planedoc at ptd.net
Wed Dec 26 06:34:48 AKST 2007

I was wondering if I could get a little input. On the NSRCA web site there is a foam wing cutter controller and I was thinking of
building it to try my hand at cutting my own wings. I never did this yet, always built balsa frame up. It will open up quite a few new
designs for me. I was thinking of building a Boxer but I have to be able to cut foam. So any help would be appreciated. Did any 
of the people on the list build and use one? If so how did it work? Any other controllers better? You can either put your reply
on the list if you think there is an interest or send me a private email. Thanks for you help Jimmy.
email: planedoc at ptd.net
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