[NSRCA-discussion] What is a good portable canopy or shade to buy?

Ron Van Putte vanputte at cox.net
Sat Aug 18 17:07:00 AKDT 2007

I have had personal experience with the fittings and covers from  
Jenkins Crafted Canopies (http://jccshade.com/).  Back in 1991, my  
club hosted the F3A Team Selection Finals (not Team Trials like some  
chose to call it).  John Fuqua and I purchased the fittings and  
silver covers for two 12x12 foot tents with 1 3/8 OD fittings from  
Jenkins Crafted Canopies.  We then went to the local lumber/ 
electrical supply store and got 10 foot sections of electrical  
conduit.  We did this to avoid shipping costs.  John and I cut the 28  
(14 per canopy) conduits into 6 foot lengths.

We have been using these tents every year since their purchase.  The  
only additional purchase we had to make was to replace the bungee  
cords for the covers after about 10 years.

The resulting tent will go up in 5 - 10 minutes and come down as  
fast.  If you install eye bolts in the bottom of the vertical legs  
and use long galvanized nails to secure the feet to the ground, the  
tents will withstand some pretty fierce gales.

Ron Van Putte

On Aug 18, 2007, at 6:59 PM, Kevin Sung wrote:

> I have been searching for some good and reasonable priced portable  
> canopy to
> purchase, but most of the brands and models are not carried in any  
> of the
> local stores, so I figure since it is going to be used mainly in  
> contests,
> some of you might have some suggestions as to what brand, model,  
> and size to
> either buy or to avoid.
> TIA,
> Kevin
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