[NSRCA-discussion] Hello: Stirring up the Masters2009Sequencediscussionagain...

mike mueller mups1953 at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 17 02:56:56 AKDT 2007

 I agree with Dan. Its OK the way it is for this small
sport. Mike
--- Dan <warrior523 at mchsi.com> wrote:

> How in the heck did this thread go from ranting
> about FAI being an AMA class 
> and forced advancement to getting ready to fire up a
> rules change proposal? 
> There has been an advancement rule with point
> accumulation in place for a 
> long time.  Hardly, if ever, has it been kept
> current or used.  Yet, we have 
> still managed to maintain a fun, competitive and
> working system based more 
> on honor than anything. I think the concept of
> movement through the AMA 
> classes could very easily and effectively be set
> completely on a persons 
> honor.  We all know or have known when it was time
> to move up in a class and 
> we haved moved.  If someone is pathetic enough to
> want to remain in a lower 
> class just to be the "da Man" then it his loss and
> his loss only.  Pro golf 
> is played for millions of dollars in prize money and
> they maintain a great 
> honor system for abiding by the rules, surely we can
> do the same competiting 
> for some plauques and bragging rights until the next
> contest.
> I really can envision great problems arising if a
> national database for 
> points accumulation is attempted, both on the grand
> scale of keeping it 
> current and on the local CD scale of trying to feed
> it, use it and enforce 
> it.
> Is it really needed??
> Dan
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Lance Van Nostrand" <patterndude at tx.rr.com>
> To: "NSRCA Mailing List"
> <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2007 11:23 PM
> Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Hello: Stirring up the 
> Masters2009Sequencediscussionagain...
> >I have a rules proposal form filled out. here's
> your chance to really make 
> >a
> > difference.  Please tell me if this proposal will
> make it better.
> > --Lance
> >
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Lance Van Nostrand" <patterndude at tx.rr.com>
> > To: "NSRCA Mailing List"
> <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 11:22 PM
> > Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Stirring up the
> Masters
> > 2009Sequencediscussionagain...
> >
> >
> >>I have considered all the proposals and am
> unsatisfied.  Ideally we could
> >> make use of a national database but lacking that
> I have a simple
> >> adjustment
> >> to the current system: let people stay in a class
> for at least 2 years
> >> regardless of their performance.
> >>
> >> This addresses both the occasional pilot that
> doesn't want to be 
> >> penalized
> >> for a good performance in Sportsman, and the very
> active pilot that
> >> accumulates a lot of points quickly, is getting
> lots of practice, but is
> >> not
> >> yet ready to move up.  Yes this could be abused,
> but that is what Earl is
> >> for.
> >>
> >> If this were officially proposed would you
> support it as an improvement?
> >> Please really think about all the other ideas and
> how they'd work in 
> >> large
> >> and small districts, with pilots of varying skill
> and motivation, etc.
> >> --Lance
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message ----- 
> >> From: "Jon Lowe" <jonlowe at aol.com>
> >> To: <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2007 3:42 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Stirring up the
> Masters 2009Sequence
> >> discussionagain...
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Glen,
> >>> You are spot on.  I have competed in Advanced
> just this season, and
> >>> have 70 points with several district contests
> left in 2007.  I finished
> >>> 5th at the Nats, but was never really in
> contention to finish higher.
> >>> District 3 has a lot of competitors in advanced.
>  I'm a decent but not
> >>> great pilot in advanced right now, so I've
> gathered more points than I
> >>> would have in a smaller district. Do I feel at
> all ready to move to
> >>> Masters?  Absolutely not.  Therefore, I am going
> to sit out contests
> >>> this year so I don't point out.  Or I might fly
> the FAI P07 at a couple
> >>> of contests just for giggles.  The jump right
> now between Advanced and
> >>> Masters is just too big right now for me, and
> the current advanced
> >>> pattern does not properly prepare you for
> Masters.
> >>>
> >>> Jon Lowe
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> -----Original Message-----
> >>> From: Glen Watson <gwatson11 at houston.rr.com>
> >>> To: 'NSRCA Mailing List'
> <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
> >>> Sent: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:43 am
> >>> Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Stirring up the
> Masters 2009Sequence
> >>> discussionagain...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Is the issue that competitors are forced by the
> current AMA regulations
> >>> to
> >>> move up thru the classes via a point system
> whether a competitor feels
> >>> ready
> >>> or not?
> >>>
> >>> Just mastering a maneuver is not enough.  Being
> able to manage
> >>> positioning
> >>> throughout an entire sequence regardless of
> weather conditions is a
> >>> major
> >>> task which becomes more challenging as maneuver
> complexity and
> >>> difficultly
> >>> increases.  A good example is the Figure M.  I
> witnessed many
> >>> competitors
> >>> during the prelims at the NATS not able to
> sustain proper track and
> >>> positioning in the cross/quartering winds we
> experienced. They would
> >>> begin
> >>> at 150-175 meters and finish at 80 meters from
> being blown in.
> >>> Practice can
> >>> address this however as I read here in previous
> posts not all have the
> >>> time
> >>> they wish to practice.
> >>>
> >>> The current point system for Intermediate and
> Advanced is based on a 4
> >>> year
> >>> cumulative total although one could point out in
> a single year from
> >>> attending enough well attended contests. A
> potential issue here in
> >>> District
> >>> 6 for example. Does this make someone ready for
> the next class?
> >>>
> >>> If a pattern enthusiast has limited time to
> enable them to be
> >>> comfortable
> >>> flying a particular class why make it mandatory
> to move up.  If the
> >>> point
> >>> system criterion was revised in such a manner to
> reset each year and
> >>> force
> >>> only top consistent place finishers to move up
> that would provide more
> >>> time
> >>> for those with limit time to hone the skills
> necessary to be comfortable
=== message truncated ===

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