[NSRCA-discussion] More flexibility in class selection?

Gene Maurice gene.maurice at sgmservice.com
Wed Aug 15 17:44:02 AKDT 2007

Actually, my suggestion was that folks read the rulebook themselves. I only
provided information relative to the immediate discussion. It can be
downloaded from



Gene Maurice

gene.mauirce at sgmservice.com

Plano, Texas

AMA 3408 NSRCA 877


From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Fred Huber
Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:50 PM
To: NSRCA Mailing List
Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] More flexibility in class selection?


May as well post the section about how many points require a move up (int
-adv... adv-master) too....  That seems to be missing.

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Gene <mailto:gene.maurice at sgmservice.com>  Maurice 

To: 'NSRCA Mailing List' <mailto:nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>  

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 7:35 PM

Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] More flexibility in class selection?


For those that haven't read it, please read the rulebook.


The applicable sections are:


7. Pattern event classes. The Pattern event shall

be divided into five (5) classes. The first four (4)

shall (in order of increasing difficulty) be

referred to as Sportsman, Intermediate,

Advanced, and Masters. The fifth class shall be

referred to as the FAI class. The Sportsman class

is supplemental (see Supplemental and

Provisional Rules, page 2). Competitors must be

advised prior to the start of the contest of any

planned deviations from standard AMA rules

pertaining to the events they have entered.


8.2. A contestant will be mandatorily

advanced through the classes as follows: A flier

must move out of the Sportsman class at the end

of that calendar year if he places first, second, or

third, and above at least four (4) other fliers

(having recorded an official flight) in any

sanctioned Pattern class contest. For

Intermediate and Advanced fliers, advancement

takes place through the accumulation of points.

In these classes, contestants receive points

according to their finishing place in every contest

they compete in. For fliers finishing third or

below in a given contest, they will receive points

equal to the number of official (having recorded

an official flight) fliers they beat. The second

place winner will receive points equal to twice

the number of official fliers he beats, and the

first place winner will receive points equal to

three times the number of official fliers he beats.

The points each contestant receives go into his

cumulative record.



8.2.5. There is no mandatory

advancement into FAI from the Masters class.

Contestants may enter their current AMA class

or the FAI class at any contest but not both.


8.3. Each Pattern contestant is

responsible for maintaining an accurate record of

his own classification points. Handy wallet size

Classification Advancement Record forms are

available upon request from AMA HQ; please

include a preaddressed and stamped return

envelope. CDs of meets having RC Pattern

events are also provided with a small supply of

such forms.



Gene Maurice

gene.mauirce at sgmservice.com

Plano, Texas

AMA 3408 NSRCA 877


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