[NSRCA-discussion] Which is more normal?

Michael Wickizer mwickizer at msn.com
Mon Aug 13 07:13:30 AKDT 2007

I actually did an informal analysis of this subject about a year ago.  Most 
CD's allow club members to fly in their club contests, and not just at the 
Sportsman level.  There are quite a few contests where the CD actually finds 
time to fly.  Club members not being allowed to fly in their own contest is 
a holdover from the club provided judging days and has no or very little 
relevance in the current system.

>From: "Archie Stafford" <rcpattern at stx.rr.com>
>Reply-To: NSRCA Mailing List <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>To: "'NSRCA Mailing List'" <nsrca-discussion at lists.nsrca.org>
>Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] Which is more normal?
>Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2007 21:41:32 -0500
>I think most clubs ENCOURAGE people to try it out.  I think we'd be stupid
>not to.  The only way to grow pattern is to get the people near you
>interested....nothing worse than having people unable to use their field on
>any given weekend...encourage it.  Let the guys feel like they are part of
>something.  It really doesn't take that many club members to run a
>successful contest.  It's very easy to rotate guys in and out, and this 
>the contest runs smoothly and pattern can gain some more friends.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org
>[mailto:nsrca-discussion-bounces at lists.nsrca.org] On Behalf Of Fred Huber
>Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2007 9:34 PM
>To: NSRCA Mailing List
>Subject: [NSRCA-discussion] Which is more normal?
>Contests which limit participation by members of the host club
>Contests which allow local clubmembers to compete in any class.
>With "contestant judging"... is there any reason to limit the entry of
>people from the club that is hosting the contest?
>With the host club supplying ALL of the judges... I could see a potential
>But I can't see it being an issue if all contestants are potential judges.
>Basily looking for thoughts/opinions before making a request for change at 
>local contest for next year.  It changed from the club supplying almost all
>the judges, to contestant judging.
>(that won't affect me for at least a couple of years... the contest has
>always allowed local members to enter at Sportsman...)
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