[NSRCA-discussion] E-power

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Wed Apr 18 11:56:03 AKDT 2007

On Wed, 18 Apr 2007 13:28:44 -0500
"Keith Black" <tkeithblack at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've used a method similar to the colored bands. The problem is, as
> Rex mentioned, sometimes you forget to remove the green indicator when
> you use the battery. To solve that problem why not use some type of
> plug cover that must be removed in order to use the battery. This will
> prevent accidentally leaving the green indicator on a pack. 

I use two different physical storage containers.  Packs going into an
airplane only come out of the "charged" container (a lipo sack).  Packs
coming off a plane only go in the "to be charged" container (battery
bunker type).  Since I often have multiple packs in the same physical
container I also use plug covers just in case.

   "Z-80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, the system's
         sucking mud" - Error message on TRS 80 Model-16B

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com 

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