[NSRCA-discussion] 2007 Advanced Schedule

george w. kennie geobet at gis.net
Wed May 10 08:38:20 AKDT 2006

Hey Rex,
I liked it so much I'm willing to lend you a nickel !
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rex LESHER 
  To: NSRCA Mailing List 
  Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 7:15 PM
  Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] 2007 Advanced Schedule

  I'd like to throw my 2 cents worth in here....   When considering the transition from Advanced to Masters, I think you'll find that it's not the manuevers per say, that cause most of the problem.  It's the pilot's positioning abilities.  As we progress through the classes, the two most important things we learn are wings level and maintaining a line.  Most manuevers are pretty much the same, ie., push, pull, and roll. Of course, there's the ocassional snap, and they are a manuever all their own.  Also, as we progress up through the ranks, more and more pressure is put on the pilot by putting more manuevers in the schedule.  You're on the hot seat for a longer period of time.  The manuevers chosen for the schedule are put into an order using the diabolical scheme to make sure that if you get out of position, you will not be able to execute the next manuever.  Take a look at the current P-07 schedule.  Nothing really strikes me as being horribly hard to do as far as each manuever is concerned. But take into consideration what happens if you screw up and make one too large or get off line.  You're going to be out of position for the next two manuevers, at least.  You'd have to be pretty crafty to get by without some serious downgrades.  Don't get too hung up on the individual manuevers.  They are only one part of the game.  Being able to make everything flow together so it looks pretty, now that's the hard part....  There has always been a pretty large jump between Advanced and Masters, and it's the position of the manuevers in relation to each other that makes it so much harder.
  I'm out of change....

  Rex Lesher
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: jzeigenfus at comcast.net 
    To: NSRCA Mailing List 
    Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 3:11 PM
    Subject: Re: [NSRCA-discussion] 2007 Advanced Schedule

    I am in the same position as you John and concur with your analysis of the 2007 Advanced schedule. If the purpose of the Advanced schedule is to prepare you for Masters, then the difficulty level is too low. The other 2007 option for the Advanced schedule, was a better transition to Masters but was voted down. If the only other option is to stay with the current schedule, then at least the difficulty level is more appropriate with an Advanced schedule preparing you for Masters Class. Joe Z   

      -------------- Original message -------------- 
      From: jonlowe at aol.com 

      > I've been looking at the 2007 advanced schedule, since it looks as 
      > though I will move up from Intermediate next year. One thing that 
      > struck me is that the new Advanced schedule has NO inverted exits in 
      > it, down from 4 or 5 in the existing schedule. As it stands, if the 
      > new schedule passes the contest board vote in June, the new 
      > Intermediate schedule will have one inverted exit, Advanced none, and 
      > Masters eight, if I counted right. I'm not sure the degree of 
      > difficulty change between the schedules is what was contemplated. 
      > It may be that with the different options presented for the NSRCA 
      > survey, that we ended up with a harder intermediate pattern, an easier 
      > advanced, and a harder Masters, I'm not sure. But n! ow the change from 
      > Advanced to Masters will be huge, while the difference between 
      > Intermediate and Advanced is not so big anymore. 
      > It appears that the only thing that could be done now would be to 
      > encourage the contest board to vote down the new Advanced schedule 
      > since it is too late to update the proposal, if others feel the same 
      > way I do. If it is voted down, then the old Advanced schedule would 
      > remain in place, as I understand it. Each new schedule is a separate 
      > proposal, so they are voted upon separately. The current Advanced 
      > schedule would appear to be a good transition from the new intermediate 
      > schedule, and would be hard enough that the new Masters schedule 
      > wouldn't be so intimidating. 
      > Comments? 
      > Jon Lowe 
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