[NSRCA-discussion] Engine Trouble

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Wed Jun 28 12:15:29 AKDT 2006

On Wed, 28 Jun 2006 15:06:50 -0500
"R. LIPRIE" <RLIPRIE at centurytel.net> wrote:

> Thank you Tom Simes,
> For your opinion but also the thing actually will run good on the
> ground  with the calling on or off but like when I would go to do my
> patterns I  would be at 90 degree angle or 40 or any other but then it
> would deadstick.

If your clunk got slammed into the front of your tank and is stuck
there OR if you have a hole in your clunk line right next to the stopper
the plane would run great on the ground with a full tank, and the tank
would pass a pressure test no problem.  However, in either case as soon
as you burned off some fuel or raised the nose of the airplane for
more than a few seconds the engine would suck air and quit.

   "Z-80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, the system's
         sucking mud" - Error message on TRS 80 Model-16B

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com 

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