[NSRCA-discussion] Noise rules

Terry Terrenoire amad2terry at juno.com
Tue Jun 20 01:53:30 AKDT 2006

John: Many years ago the Aero-Guidance Society put a 98 db limit in
place. We set up a test area and required any "new" plane to be tested,
that included prop, engine, or fuel changes to any airframe. Over the
years we found that 96 db was very achievable wit "out of the box"
equipment, so about 3 years ago, that became our standard. We set it up
as self policing and have the db meter and log book kept in the frequency
control board. Very few are tested today, but any member has the right to
require anyone else to perform a noise check. This only happens when
someone shows up with a louder than normal ship.
So far, it has worked for us.

Terry T.

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006 21:08:52 -0400 "John Ferrell"
<johnferrell at earthlink.net> writes:
If someone out there has a set of noise rules for a general purpose RC
club? Especially a set that works. 

I cannot expect the masses to conform to pattern numbers, but I need
something to start with. "Reasonable" does not seem to mean the same
thing to every one. 

John Ferrell    W8CCW
"My Competition is not my enemy"
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