[NSRCA-discussion] TP 1010C charger rates

Chad Northeast chad at f3acanada.org
Mon Jun 19 18:32:45 AKDT 2006

For those flying e-power and using this charger, there is a little trick 
for bypassing the 5A limit on 10 cells (~210W limit set on charger).

In no way that I know of does TP recommend doing this....in fact I dont 
know if they even know you can do it.  I have done it a couple of times 
now, so far the charger seems to be handling the *slightly *higher rates 
just fine.

First, go to any memory station (Mx), this will not work on the SEL 
setting.  Set the cell count to 5, and ramp the current up to whatever 
you want....so far I have only played with 5.5A.  Go back to cell count 
and reset it to 10 cells.  The current should stay at the 5.5A setting.

Begin charge!

Its possible to set it to 10A, although I dont know what the upper limit 
is.  I saved about 5-10 minutes on a 4500 mAh recharge at 5.5A (~230W) 
vs. 5A (~210W), charger did not get hotter than normal.  I did briefly 
try a 6.5A charge rate, but I dont know how that will work for a full 

Feel free to sacrifce your charger in the name of science lol.  I will 
likely try a full 6A charge next and see if it survives lol :)


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