[NSRCA-discussion] For Sale

Ed Miller edbon85 at charter.net
Wed Jul 5 04:20:03 AKDT 2006

I have 2 Dick Hanson EMC2 kits.
1 fuse is untouched with no pipe tunnel complete with chin cowl, canopy and 
canopy base.
2nd fuse was framed up by Greg Froiech and has a CF firewall, MK elevator 
pushrod assembly, canopy and servo mounts done, canopy, chin cowl and canopy 
base. Fuse is ready for wing/stab tube install.
1 set of stab cores untouched
1 set of stab cores sheeted and capped with stab tube hole drilled, very 
light, done by Greg Froiech.
2 sets of rudder cores untouched
1 set of wing cores, untouched
1 CF landing gear
1 set of light fiberglass wheel pants.
I can deliver to Muncie 7/15.
Email for details or pictures.
Ed M. 

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