[NSRCA-discussion] 50 Size SYNERGY

Rcmaster199 at aol.com Rcmaster199 at aol.com
Tue Jan 24 16:16:25 AKST 2006

I have quite a bit of experience with Synergy's predecessor, Alliance.  These 
designs were very similar. In Alliance, the cg was moved aft about 20mm  from 
that shown on the sketch ZN-Line provided. HOWEVER, note that the Alliance  
was a full pattern sized model and more tolerant of such cg adjustments.
On your smaller cousin, tread lightly on how much you move the cg. I  
wouldn't go much more than 10mm (around 7/16"). IF the 4  ozs weight is in the nose, 
don't remove the whole 4 ozs immediately. 
Fly the model and feel how it behaves in the 45 degree up line immediately  
after a half roll to inverted. It shouldn't need hardly any touch of down to  
maintain the line angle. If it needs alot of down stick, you are still too  
nose heavy. 
I assume that the model is light, preferably lighter than the min spec'd.  If 
heavier than max weight spec'd, things get a bit more dicey. Contact me off  
line if more is needed, but that should get you somewhere close. And remember  
that too nose heavy is about as bad as tail heavy... 
In a message dated 1/24/2006 6:22:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
wdmarko at yahoo.com writes:

HI...........I just completed building a 50 size
SYNERGY kit from  MK.  I have a YS 63 in it and have
put the battery right up to the  back of the firewall. 
It takes 4 oz to ballance.  Does anyone have  some
experience with this airplane in terms of performance
related to  the CG balance point?  I'm new to pattern
planes, but my experience  with sport planes is that I
make them  more tail heavy than the plans  call for to
get the flying characterists that I want.  I'm  hoping
the same will be true with the SYNERGY so I don't have
to add so  much weight.

..................Bill         :)

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