[NSRCA-discussion] NSRCA Dues Increase

Tom Simes simestd at netexpress.com
Mon Dec 25 16:01:40 AKST 2006

On Sun, 24 Dec 2006 19:16:30 -0700
"Wayne" <Whinkle1024 at msn.com> wrote:

> Don't worry Paul it wasn't announced in the KF either!
> So you didn't miss anything.
> I understand the need for increased dues. I also understand the need
> for the NSRCA to give us something in return for our support. Today I
> don't see much going on to PROMOTE pattern. While I wish to support
> pattern and promote it I will take my $40 and spend it on attendance
> at an event rather than the NSRCA.

As was mentioned in an earlier thread, one of the biggest benefits in
the past of belonging to the NSRCA was INFORMATION (in the form of the
K-Factor).  Times have changed and much of that information is now
being generously made available for free in near real time on the
Internet.  Perhaps we should consider the NSRCA mailing lists a benefit
of membership and restrict access to those who decide the information is
valuable?  It is also possible to sell advertising space in the form of
banner ads on the archive search pages if the NSRCA management chose.
Either choice would be easy to implement from a technical standpoint
and could potentially increase revenue.

As of this afternoon, the nsrca-discussion list has 366 members.  In
the interest of full disclosure I haven't renewed yet, but will gladly
be pitching my $40 in next Friday.

   "Z-80 system stack overflow.  Shut 'er down Scotty, the system's
         sucking mud" - Error message on TRS 80 Model-16B

Tom Simes                                       simestd at netexpress.com 

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