Adobe Troubles (longer)
Lance Van Nostrand
patterndude at
Sat Mar 26 06:34:25 AKST 2005
This wasn't intended to be as long as it turned out so my apologies up
front, and computer literac;y is not a requirement for pattern flying, but I
have a few points to bring up about computer systems that might change your
When software does not work as intended it is not usually the operating
system. There are thousands of product development teams out there and very
few operate using design controls that are repeatable much less optimized.
What's more, product testing before release is often glossed over or poorly
planned. Writing software for the desktop requires quite complex testing
plans. There are many many variants of operating system configurations that
are legitimate (XP, 2000, NT, which service pack, what combination of
hotfixed or malware patches, there are even a lot of software packages that
install specialized versions of OS components that could not be retro tested
against everything else - something that is common in shareware). It can be
a risky thing to install shareware or complex products that were written by
some smart guy in his home. If you've ever done this, your OS may have
latent problems. Also, the many brands of virus scanners can really mess up
a product install by preventing the installation of part of the application
(and the stupid installer doesn't flag this as an error). Norton is
especially notable for this. Windows XP has some improved protection to
guard against improper OS modification. If the installer is not certified
by microsoft, and it somehow manages to install replacement OS files
(certain critical ones) the OS will replace the errant file with the correct
one (it keeps an OS copy in a hidden cache). Adobe is notorious in the
software industry for buggy, unreliable, poorly documented and inconsistent
software. Even their flagship Photoshop product requires printer driver
manufacturers to build in "accommodations" because they don't follow all the
windows rules.
Operating systems are hosting environments that need to be much more
reliable than the software that runs on them. An OS is an amazingly large
and complex beast and getting it right means planning and building
reliability in from the start. Microsoft has finally figured this out and
has been moving in this direction for several years. Starting with Windows
NT their reliability has made quantum jumps in reliability. But NT and W2K
are really just debugged versions of old architectures. Windows XP Pro (not
home) is another quantum leap forward and the next major release will be
much better yet. did you know our government has given MS $25 million
dollars to add to their budget for reliability testing (this was about 18
months ago)?
I'm not a MS lacky, but after careful evaluations of linux, solaris, and
windows my company has selected all three for various projects, but mostly
we use Windows now. We build very reliable software medical systems that
require FDA approval. Most of these systems are very large and must run for
months without needing a "reboot". Nearly all the problems we find are ours
or in the software toolkit from a vendor and many of these problems are not
found right away. When we find an MS problem (rarely), they never commit to
fixing it so we must redesign or work around it. In the end we produce a
reliable product. In our experience, Windows is reliable when it is running
reliable software. MS has the largest software development force in the
world, and possibly the best funded. They will continue to outspend and out
manpower their competition. Even if you hate their business tactics and
their knack for making bad copies of others ideas and marketing them as
their own (which I hate) you can't deny that they will be around long after
we are gone.
I can't say that for most companies that I get software from, including
Adobe. Bottom line: bugs can be anywhere in code to make it not work.
Chances are it is in the application or the installer supplied by the
vendor, not the OS. This statement couldn't be made in the Windows 98 days
(a total piece of crap) but it can be made now. You have to update your
thinking as reality changes.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Van Putte" <vanputte at>
To: <discussion at>
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: Adobe Troubles
> On Mar 25, 2005, at 8:29 PM, Bob Pastorello wrote:
>> Well.... here's what I did, and it fixed itself....Opened Adobe 7.
>> UNCHECKED "Display in browser". "OK" (ran a windows self-installer).
>> CLosed Adobe. Opened IE. Tried to read pdf., no good. While IE open,
>> opened Adobe 7 from "Programs". CHECKED "Display in Browser", clicked
>> OK. Window self-installer ran again. Reopened web .pdf.... it worked.
>> Makes NO sense. But is a Windows product.
> I used to be in an all-Macintosh office. We had a sign on the door that
> said, "Congratulations Windows 98. Almost as good as Macintosh 88."
> Ron Van Putte
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