Aerofly pro deluxe and IMAC Judging Class.
Bob Pastorello
rcaerobob at
Mon Mar 21 02:47:18 AKST 2005
Bill, doing something like this was offerred to the NSRCA Board. A member
had concerns about lack of quality, expertise, and not looking at the
'larger view' of the needs of NSRCA. I think the project died then.
Bob Pastorello
NSRCA 199 AMA 46373
rcaerobob at
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Glaze" <billglaze at>
To: <discussion at>
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: Aerofly pro deluxe and IMAC Judging Class.
> Mark:
> FWIW, this past Saturday I attended an IMAC judging school, inasmuch as
> I wanted to see what they were up to! ;-) It was a very professional
> presentation, taking 2 days. (I wasn't able to attend the Sunday
> practical at-the-field-flying session because of other commitments) but
> I did attend the full-day classroom session. An absolute highlight of
> the class was a G2 simulator, paired up with PowerPoint. They were able
> to project on a large movie screen, in-flight maneuvers, both with and
> without mistakes. These were pre-stored, and they had a raft of them,
> illustrating just what common mistakes looked like, just what "cheating"
> with ailerons looked like, etc.etc. It was truly fabulous. If we had
> someone with the talent to make this up, and put it on a computer,
> (remember, this was G2, not the latest) such a presentation would
> quickly obsolete the tape that is in use today at the NSRCA judging
> schools. They also issued a loose-leaf binder with all the Aresti
> figures used by FAI, told how to compose the complete figures from
> components in the book, how to calculate K-Factors--indeed everything
> needed. Handouts were given out for different subjects, etc. and I
> couldn't help but notice that, of the 35 people in attendance, some said
> they hadn't yet entered their first contest, (but intended to) and quite
> a few were entry-level pilots.
> I realize that you asked for the time, and I've just told you how to
> build a watch, but I'd like everyone to digest this and see if we can't
> come up with something parallel.
> Bill Glaze
> D2 VP
> Atwood, Mark wrote:
>> Anyone know how to save "recorded" flights as any kind of standard
>> video file that can be viewed in Windows Media player or such??
>> -Mark
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