Need some Focus II help

William C. Harden flyinbill1 at
Sun Jan 30 06:35:55 AKST 2005

I need some help with the engine box assembly for the Focus II with
respect to adding more right engine thrust.
I have read Don Szczur's write up in modifying the engine box to add
additional right thrust and some down thrust.  But, he didn't say
anything about breaking apart the already assembled (parts glued
together) engine box.  
For those of you who have made this modification, did you disassemble
the box, make the mods and then reassemble (keeps everything aligned if
you do), or did you make the mods with the box assembled and simply
install the modified box into the fuselage?  
It seems that the engine box firewall will shift in position inside the
fuselage cowling area if the box was not disassembled first and then
reassembled such that the desired amount of engine thrust is built in at
the firewall.   It is a matter of building in the desired amount of
engine thrust at the engine box firewall, or changing the location of
the firewall by shifting the box inside the cowling area such that the
firewall has the desired amount of engine thrust.
So, what is the recommended procedure??  
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