Webra 160 Problem

Rcmaster199 at aol.com Rcmaster199 at aol.com
Tue Feb 15 07:30:31 AKST 2005

Hey folks, thought I'd pass on a problem I experienced with my new 160 this  
past weekend and share the apparent solution.
Extremely strong engine, easy starting just like its small brother.  However, 
it did something very annoying this past weekend. Rich running on  theground 
and for the first couple passes around the field. But after about a  minute of 
running, the moment I would point the nose up at partial throttle, the  
engine would sag to lean, and then catch and run fine again. It did this  
continuously at partial throttle but not at full throttle. Oil on the exhaust  stinger 
was darker than I would like to see, indicating lean
Fuel delivery was compromised somehow after the first minute or two. I did  
some playing around with making certain the pump wasn't being blocked from  
cooling ram air, re-plumbed the tank and everything else, used large bore tubing  
throughout, etc. Problem persisted.
Took a close look at the vent's one-way valve (standard YS valve) and saw  
that this was sticking. Removed it. To avoid syphoning of fuel through the  
vent, I looped the vent line and secured with a tie strap forming a P  trap.
Also increased pump pressure about 1/4 turn. These changes have helped  
richen the engine to normal levels. 
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