Curious About Mid Air Collidions

Bob Richards bob at
Sun Feb 13 18:34:43 AKST 2005

I know one person that had three midairs in one season.  Two of them occured at contests, the other in practice.  The first two were his planes, both totaled. The last one, he was flying my plane. Two manuevers left in the last round of the last contest of the season. This was in '93.
I think there were two other midairs at other contests that season.
Bob R.

BUDDYonRC at wrote:
While talking pattern the question came up about how many mid air collisions there were in a season flying pattern.
I thought I would post the question and possibly get an idea of the number from the your answers.
At the contests that I attended in 2004 I counted four, let me know what contest you attended that experienced one.

Bob Richards
bob at
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