A Mount is NOT a Mount

Bob Pastorello rcaerobob at cox.net
Sun Feb 6 03:03:26 AKST 2005

Interesting!  Thanks, Rusty.  I assume you're using one, then?  Can you estimate how many flights you have, what kind of maintenance has been needed, whether or not you have a nose ring, etc?  Would appreciate a view from a successful user.

Bob Pastorello
NSRCA 199  AMA 46373
rcaerobob at cox.net

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rusty Dose 
  To: discussion at nsrca.org 
  Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 5:55 AM
  Subject: Re: A Mount is NOT a Mount

  It is my understanding that the VonLinsowe's actually "sold" their various product designs in 1997 to the Brown's.  Properly installed, the Brown mounts are very reliable and effective for use with the Webra 1.45's...

  Rusty Dose
  NSRCA #1052
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Bob Pastorello 
    To: NSRCA 
    Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 5:00 PM
    Subject: A Mount is NOT a Mount

    Many of you may know this, but here's a heads up....I purchased a Dave Brown "Sport Rail" mount (you know, the knockoff of VonLinsowe's, which was the knockoff of MK's)....anyway, lots of nicely-machined parts, bolts, blind nuts, very complete....
        But the cushions were so soft, I wouldn't have run this on a .40 size motor...and I got the "4 cycle" version...

    So...lesson learned, it's back to the MK from Gator, with the "High Isolation" cushions.  I'll let ya'll know how THAT works...

    Bob Pastorello
    NSRCA 199  AMA 46373
    rcaerobob at cox.net

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