Snap or not (since we have nothing better to do)

Bob Richards bob at
Tue Aug 16 06:22:40 AKDT 2005

Based on what others have already said, I was afraid
to reply at first. It looked like a a good snap entry
to me, but unstalled before completed. Downgrade.

The video quality (fuzzy, shakely camera) was not good
enough to really base an absolute decision on.

BTW, I did not do a frame-by-frame analysis. We don't
have that luxury when sitting in the judges chair. If
it can't be properly judged in real time, then the
maneuver does not need to be in the schedule, JMHO.

I sure hope we don't end up with an instant-replay
analysis in pattern, I can see the judges peering into
a monitor after EVERY flight to determine if a snap
was really a snap.

Bob R.

--- Bob Kane <getterflash at> wrote:

> I have a short wmv video taken during the NATS of a
> snap during the Master's Reverse Avalanch. The wmv
> file is posted here: 

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