Overrating the value of sponsorship

mike mueller mups1953 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 29 08:14:48 AKDT 2004

 I think too many of us think that having a sponsor completly dictates the equipment used by the individual. I learned a very valuable lesson from my one of my mentors Norm Page in the 70's. He always told me to use the best equipment available to be competitive. If the manufacturer of this equipment wanted to help you then fine but only with the stipulation that the stuff kept you competitive. Our sport is penny ante. There's not enough money floating around to make a huge difference for anyone. 
 I don't think it's fair to beat on Troy everytime he injects his opinion. He's an ultra competitive flyer and I'm sure he uses the best stuff that he can get his hands on. It's very clear to me that there are many fine choices for power plants but everyone of them has some drawbacks. We're looking for a competitive advantage and we push things to the limits. Thus the problems will occur and continue. 
 Buy the best and fly the best. It's whatever you think it is based on your's and others opinions. If you can't afford it then you have a problem.

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