Fw: VCRC Official Business

Tom Shaw tomshaw at chartermi.net
Thu Sep 2 18:08:59 AKDT 2004

I just received this from my friend in Ohio and I thought it might be of interest to this discussion group.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: CarlKoehn at aol.com 
To: watterman at zoominternet.net ; DarrellCNC at aol.com ; tomshaw at chartermi.net ; milanjp1 at yahoo.com ; w8tah at zoominternet.net ; dholmes at zoominternet.net ; carmon at zoominternet.net ; nstrobel at zoominternet.net ; smega at en.com ; sarge58 at msn.com ; GEOSARLES at aol.com ; steve714 at zoominternet.net ; JAMPLANE at aol.com ; KLear4231 at aol.com ; Ricgrb at aol.com ; Raarif at aol.com ; dkenney at zoominternet.net ; cmkay at asb-ind.com ; dfglfg at peoplepc.com ; artberg at zoominternet.net ; bigmooke at zoominternet.net ; gpaherman at adelphia.net ; mikeh at ohio.net ; pete.jill at zoominternet.net ; tj944 at adelphia.net ; ekay at zoominternet.net ; tmsbrooks at att.net ; Pfginc69 at cs.com ; mattdodge2000 at yahoo.com ; Jasj60 at aol.com ; jmpac at alltel.net ; mdtomsheck at neo.rr.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:24 AM
Subject: VCRC Official Business

Dear Members:

Because I am the contact person for our club, I was visited on Monday, August 30 by a special agent from the FBI.  His primary concern was that all of our club members be made aware of the following information: ''Be very watchful of anything unusual around our flying field and to be wary of anyone trying to buy our planes especially in large numbers or strangers coming in asking us for information concerning detailed specifications of our planes (Weight carrying capabilities, duration, etc.).''  I was asked to please pass this information to all of our members.  (A duplicate copy of this of this email will also appear in our newsletter.)

In the unlikely event that any such thing should occur.  Please report the event to me with as much detail as possible and I will in turn make a report to the FBI.

This is official FBI business and not a joke.

 Sincerely, Carl Koehn      carlkoehn at aol.com  Phone: 440-884-8828
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