Anti Virus

Del Rykert drykert at
Wed Nov 10 07:14:21 AKST 2004

Thanks for reply Jerry.  I do enjoy the challenge and build better than I 
can buy turnkey and more reliable.  Besides I enjoy the added never having 
to take it to the store to have it fixed.. ;o]...  Well it works well for 
me..  I can always build cheaper as some components are repeatable usable. I 
do see Macs as having many attributes and loved my apples except they didn't 
have the software I needed back then and they wouldn't emulate IBM as they 
do now.  I have never bothered to learn Linux or Unix but I did become 
proficient with DOS and writing script files. Made XT's work quickly. And no 
I wouldn't go back.. ;+| ,,,,

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Budd" <jbudd at QNET.COM>
To: <discussion at>
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 9:57 AM
Subject: Re: Anti Virus

> Hi Del,
> Nope, building your own system isn't an option if you want a Mac. Some 
> people build their own systems as a hobby, something I'm not interested in 
> as I don't have enough time as it is for this one. Others build their own 
> systems to save a few dollars.  I haven't found the price difference 
> between Macs and PC's to be significant enough to offset the other 
> advantages [for me].  Especially when you factor in the time to setup a 
> system from parts.
> Just my opinion...
> Thx, Jerry
>>Do any Mac owners build their own systems though?  I was under the 
>>impression when I owned Apples that wasn't a viable option.  That may have 
>>changed as I'm talking TI 99er days.
>>                         del
>>               NSRCA - 473
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Budd" < 

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