Cub to X-15

Rcmaster199 at Rcmaster199 at
Wed May 12 16:28:23 AKDT 2004

Chuck I think the underpropping of the engine is only part of the answer. It 
sounds from your description that the low end is lean. You might try both, 
more prop and a richer idle. A 16x13, 16.5x13, or 17x10-12N would be good choices 
for the 120. And since it also slows on that upline, try lengthening the pipe 


> Subj:Cub to X-15 
> Date:5/12/2004 8:02:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time
> From:cshochhalter at
> Reply-to:discussion at
> To:discussion at
> Sent from the Internet 
> >> >>> >>>> That’s right, my swallow has changed its landing habits 
>>>> considerably and now I too find myself somewhat frustrated as Paul Horan was or 
>>>> still is.
>>>> OS 120 pumped running a 16X8 Master Airscrew ran great, idled great 
>>>> without a big change once warmed up and flew well with the exception to 
>>>> extended 45 deg. uplines would slow after a while.
>>>> So, I decided to try a 15X10 apc prop just for grins… and the story goes…
>>>>  much better overall flight performance with regards to speed, smoother 
>>>> speed transitions but now it lands like a rocket and I can’t get her to 
>>>> slow down.  Idles fine, fly the sequence and then 6 clicks of down trim to 
>>>> get to idle again, then still have to really draw a downwind leg to hit the 
>>>> front half of the runway.
>>>> So… my guess is to spend another 30 bucks in props to find a better 
>>>> match:
>>>>           16X8 APC, 16x10 APC, 15X10 MasterAirscrew
>>>> Lets hear it guys!!!
>>>> Thanks in Advance,
>>>> Chuck Hochhalter

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