Rules Proposals Final Vote

Ron Van Putte vanputte at
Tue May 11 18:12:57 AKDT 2004

What follows is an exchange of e-mails between Lance Van Nostrand, the 
List, John Fuqua and me.  If it comes through as presented, John's 
comments are in blue.

Ron Van Putte

From: 	  johnfuqua at
Subject: 	RE: Rules Proposals Final Vote
Date: 	May 11, 2004 8:50:34 PM CDT
To: 	  vanputte at

From: Ron Van Putte [mailto:vanputte at]
Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 8:08 AM
To: John Fuqua
Subject: Fwd: Rules Proposals Final Vote

John - FYI again.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lance Van Nostrand" <patterndude at>
Date: May 11, 2004 12:12:49 AM CDT
To:  <discussion at>
Subject: Re: Rules Proposals Final Vote
Reply-To:  discussion at

John's post is interesting, and provides insight into his perspective.  
My response is:
1. We recognize that the AMA CB is independent and should vote in a way 
that represents their district.  It is part of the CB member's job to 
understand the sentiment of his district.  It's not the members 
responsibility to find him.  Without this input, he is voting 
personally from an appointed position (not democratic).

[John Fuqua]     Gotta disagree on who finds whom.  I solicit input at 
every contest I go to.  I have been at this job for 15 + years and have 
repeatedly requested input from the district, mostly to no avail.  By 
the way most Board members express the same frustration.  It ain't us.  
There are 11 of us and our names and addresses are in EVERY Model 
Aviation Magazine.  If people really wanted to provide input they 
can do so easily.  Most will not make the effort.  Rather complain 
later.  One thing I think NSRCA needs to do with the surveys is to 
correlate the data by AMA district (maybe its time to reorganize NSRCA 
to match AMA districts).  That would provide significant data to 
the Board members.  By the way I am an NSRCA supporter.  I believe in 
the broad goals and objectives of the organization.  It is trying hard 
and making a difference for all of us.  Like everyone I sometimes am at 
odds with specifics but thats the way of things. 
2. It is totally reasonable that he might prefer non-judged TO/L.  In 
fact 17% of the survey respondents agree with that position.  However, 
with "nada" input from his district, how can he conclude that an 
overwhelmingly unpopular opinion is the will of his constituents?

[John Fuqua]   I concluded that the District was leaving it up to me 
make the decision as I had little negative input.   
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