Pl Lazulite

Tony Stillman tony at
Fri Jan 9 06:38:21 AKST 2004


That is the main reason that I designed (along with the help of Todd Blose) the new Panacea.  I had a very similar story to that of Jim Woodward.  Mine was not destroyed in shipping, but was a kit manufacturing error that caused a wing failure in flight, destroying my 40-flight old Excellence.  At first, PL wanted to give me 10% off on a kit.  After some discussion and complaining, they decided to give me another kit, but charged for the honeycomb add-on (which I had in the original airplane!) and $350 shipping charge.  I was out a whole lot more than that, but it was the only way I would get ANYTHING out of the deal...  Not the best way to deal with customers.  

My new design is now available from PAC.  Several are now flying it and are pleased.

Tony Stillman
Radio South
3702 N. Pace Blvd.
Pensacola, FL 32505
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Rcmaster199 at 
  To: discussion at 
  Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2004 6:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Pl Lazulite

  Jimbo that's terrible. I am sorry to hear that story. Money doesn't grow on trees.

  With that in mind, one has to wonder why buy the Europeans when the American crop fly so well. 

  Did anyone else see the latest post on RCU in the pattern column? It was by none other than our reigning F3A National Champ re: the Focus 2. 

  And the Focus2 is only one of several excellent domestic offerings (Temptation, Aries, and Panacea come immediately to mind)  with their domestic price tag. I don't get it. What's the catch? I bought one of these mega Euro planes two years ago and it flies great but not greater than these American planes. Sooooo, I ask again: WHAT'S THE CATCH?

  Matt K

    Subj:RE: Pl Lazulite 
    Date:1/8/2004 10:50:56 AM Eastern Standard Time
    From:James.Woodward2 at
    Reply-to:discussion at
    To:discussion at
    Sent from the Internet 

    I ordered a PL Lazulite around last February.  It arrived 4 months later
    than originally stated.  The freight company charged another $90 in
    paperwork.  The total was around $1800-$1900 for plane, shipping, and
    freight.  Shipping was near $500.  The fuselage was damaged.  My attempts to
    get another were futile.  After another gentleman went public on this list,
    PL reversed their position and decided to send another fuselage to me.  The
    people who bring the kits into the US do us a HUGE favor.  I will never
    order direct again.
    Jim W.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: adriancwong at [mailto:adriancwong at] 
    Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 9:16 PM
    To: discussion at
    Subject: RE: Pl Lazulite

    I ordered a Partner directly from PL at the beginning of December, it cost
    me 1,054.00 euro (shipping extra). PL debited 50% on my credit card at 1.21
    exchange rate, and will debit the other 50% in April. If the exchange rate
    keeps going up and up, I might pay it off before taking delivery.

    Import duty is relatively cheap. I paid around $40.00 for all the paper work
    between the forwarder and the U S Custom when I took delivery of my Angel's
    Shadow a year ago.


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