PPG basecoat clear coat question

Jerry Budd jbudd at QNET.COM
Tue Feb 24 18:16:38 AKST 2004


Am I understanding you right, you also sell the Ditzler basecoat 
(DBU) colors that match Monokote?

Thx, Jerry

>Yes, the DCC is listed at 8 hours for the paint to cure to a point where you
>can mask on it.  I usually spray 2 colors in a day, but that would just
>about be the limit....
>Using the DBC will get the job done much quicker, but for the price of being
>more susceptible to fuel problems if the finish is scratched...
>Both systems have good points and bad!  I sell much more DCC stuff, but I do
>sell quite a bit of DBC as well....
>Tony Stillman
>Radio South
>3702 N. Pace Blvd.
>Pensacola, FL 32505

Jerry Budd
mailto:jbudd at qnet.com
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