Sealing hinge gaps...

Amir Neshati amirneshati at
Fri Feb 20 21:28:47 AKST 2004

Troy is very correct on this one.....One of the reasons we seal is because we can't get the
gaps between the two ailerons or the two elevator halves identical enough....I believe loop 
segments of maneuvers can be less predictable in roll without seals.

The other reason is that with sealed surfaces, on most planes, less travel will be needed to 
get the same response......I flew a plane without the hinge line sealed and did full stick
upline rolls, tried it several times on low and high rates....then sealed and flew again. Sealed,
the low rates were as responsive as the previous, unsealed high rates...can't remember the 
difference in degrees, but on a bipe with four ailerons about 1/8" less travel was needed....This 
could also mean better resolution as a longer horn can be used.


  Yes very important!

  It insures that both sides are working the same....Elevators and Ailerons its critical....all trimming is null and void if they are not sealed before you start.

  The model will still fly without the gaps sealed..but in my opinion you are wasting your time trimming a model that has surfaces that are not sealed.

  Others opinions will vary but I have done it and can tell you from experience its important.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Gabriel Gonzalez 
    To: discussion at 
    Sent: Friday, February 20, 2004 6:21 PM
    Subject: Sealing hinge gaps...

    How important is it to seal the hinge gaps on control surfaces?

    Do you do it to all your planes?

    Can you educate me on this issue?


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