
Derek Koopowitz derekkoopowitz at
Sat Dec 18 20:56:49 AKST 2004

We (the NSRCA board) originally decided to send out the ballots with the
membership renewal cards.  Someone pointed out to us that we needed to
ensure that the ballots were to processed according to the by-laws which
meant that we had to find a 3rd party to verify the ballots after voting and
this caused a delay of a week.  If we delay the election timeline a week
then we are in violation of the by-laws.  The ballots should've been in
everyone's hands the end of November but only ended being mailed the
beginning of December.  I am sure we can get you a new ballot and have it
mailed to the accountant before 12/31... I will do my darndest to see that
happens to anyone that did not receive a ballot (provided we know about
them).  My only concern is that someone that is a little devious can work
the system and mail in a ballot without their name on it and then request a
new ballot be mailed to them and they can essentially vote twice.  How can
we possibly verify that?  If we are to be correct in this then any ballot
that we receive that does not have a name associated with it should not be
counted, don't you think?
Help me (us) out here... we'll come up with a solution to your problem and
if we can not get you a ballot in time then we'll cross that bridge when the
time comes, but at least lets try to get you one in time.


From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at] On
Behalf Of Ed Alt
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:55 PM
To: discussion at
Cc: 'Maureen Dunphy'
Subject: Re: Ballots

If you are sure that there are other members who may not be getting the
ballot in time, why not extend the deadline?  It seems like the
responsibility for the late processing of the ballots is being shifted to
the membership.  Seems backwards to me.  I'm just trying to communicate to
anyone who has some control of the process that time is running out for
getting this done.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Derek Koopowitz <mailto:derekkoopowitz at>  
To: discussion at 
Cc: 'Maureen Dunphy' <mailto:mdunphy at>  
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 10:24 PM
Subject: RE: Ballots

Actually Ed... the ballot is mailed out by our publisher... not the
accounting firm.  I'm sure Maureen can print out one for you and mail it to
you and then as long as you mail it by the 31st you'll be ok.
Unfortunately, I'm sure you aren't the only person that has not received
their ballot - nothing is 100% sure.  Please renew regardless though - don't
let the missing ballot determine your membership status.


From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at] On
Behalf Of Ed Alt
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:59 PM
To: discussion at
Subject: Re: Ballots

I've contacted her already, but something tells me it's all for naught.
What are the chances this accounting firm is going to have a responsive
staff left this close before the holidays that will find my ballot or print
up a new one, send it, have it get here in the Christmas mail crush and
allow me to get it back in time?  Not likely. What's the plan for people
that never get a ballot?  I'm sitting here with my NSRCA renewal card and
wondering why I should send it back in if I can't vote for the
organization's leadership.  Oh well.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Derek Koopowitz <mailto:derekkoopowitz at>  
To: discussion at 
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 8:25 PM
Subject: RE: Ballots

I got mine on Thursday (west coast) so you should have yours already.
Please contact Maureen and she'll try to get you one ASAP.  That goes for
everyone that has not received one.  BTW, they are green in color - postcard
size when folded in half.  They are due back - postmarked 12/31/04.


From: discussion-request at [mailto:discussion-request at] On
Behalf Of Ed Alt
Sent: Saturday, December 18, 2004 5:13 PM
To: discussion at
Subject: Ballots

I still haven't received my election ballot.  Anyone else out there who
hasn't received theirs?  When are they due back in?

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