[SPAM] Re: NSRCA Voting Process

Larry Diamond lld613 at psci.net
Thu Dec 16 07:52:00 AKST 2004

I've tried to stay out of these debates, both with the Judging and with the 
Voting Process.

For Judging, I recall awhile back when someone seem to have first been 
identified to represent the USA that there was some grief by a few...Now 
that selection has been finalized, it again come under scrutiny. NSRCA is 
truly a democratic society filled from the Right to the Left extreme views.

For the Voting Process...I admire the decision made by Tony Stillman and I 
support his decision. Irregardless of my thoughts about the $$$ spent being 
necessary, the fact remains that it will protect those that may have counted 
them from the cross hairs of the few that type and fire off e-mails for 

I have met and talked with Maureen and Mike Dunphy. They have answered many 
questions over the years and in my opinion are very trustworthy people with 
high integrity. I would rather spend the money on having a CPA count the 
votes, then to have a bombardment of e-mails coming out and sending personal 
attack about those involved in counting the votes because someone didn't 
like the results, "That would be a tragedy!!!!!!".

Tony, Thank You for having the backbone to make that decision and withstand 
the scrutiny. A sign of a great leader.

Larry Diamond
NSRCA 3083
AMA 5024
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: tony at radiosouthrc.com 
  To: discussion at nsrca.org 
  Sent: Thursday, December 16, 2004 9:35 AM
  Subject: Re: NSRCA Voting Process

  The reason that it was done this way was to keep ANY indication of fraud from happening.  On of the candidates works for AMA.  Does it not then follow that AMA should not count the votes?  

  If we are going to do it "right", then let's do it RIGHT!  Use a CPA (just like AMA does for it's own elections) and be done with it....

  Personally, I thought it was a waste of $800, but I apparently was wrong in thinking this way.  

  Tony Stillman
  Radio South
  3702 N. Pace Blvd.
  Pensacola, FL 32505
    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: Jerry Stebbins 
    To: discussion at nsrca.org 
    Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:36 PM
    Subject: Re: NSRCA Voting Process

    AS, for your information the election has to be held in accordance with the NSRCA Bylaws. As initially published it was not being structured that way. So it had to be quickly brought into line with a strict interpretation of the Bylaws, especially since there were two contested positions.
     AMA has handled/counted Ballots on previous elections, is independent from NSRCA, and does not charge for them.Why this path with the accountant was chosen I do not know, except that Tony announced on this list on 18 November in two separate messages discussing the NSRCA voting process, that he was taking care of it that way. It had absolutely nothing to do with not trusting our current Secretary Maureen, since she was only responding to what/how she was told to do.
    Hope this clears this up, and people quit putting Maureen, or anyone else in the line of fire!

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Xwindflyer at aol.com 
      To: discussion at nsrca.org 
      Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 1:44 PM
      Subject: Re: NSRCA Voting Process

      Why not have the ballots in the KFactor? Every magazine has these little thingies somewhere in the pages, why not the KF? 

      The problem is getting the totals. It seems that you folks just went through a bunch of expense becauase you didn't trust the secretatyr to do an accurate count, so that expense will continue in the future. 
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