
vicenterc at comcast.net vicenterc at comcast.net
Thu Dec 2 11:54:52 AKST 2004

I have been using 4/40 screws for years.  I use aluminum rivets to fill the space between the screw and the engine holes.  You just take out the nail from the new rivet and use the aluminum rivet.  I don't remember the size of the rivet but there is one that fits perfect.  You save a little weight and the aluminum bites the screw.  I guarantee that will never come loose.  When you tight the screw make sure that you squeeze the rivet a little so the head of the screw gets inside the rivet.  

Vince Bortone

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What size cap screws are usually used to mount a 140L to the mount, 10/32 or 8/32?
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