Model Aviation Survey

JonLowe at JonLowe at
Thu Aug 19 13:22:40 AKDT 2004

On the AMA website, the results of a recent survey of the membership of Model Aviation are published,  This is in the members Only area, so you may need your AMA number and password to get to that file.  I found the results of the survey very interesting, as the Number 2 interest area was RC Aerobatics, ahead of everything except RC Scale.  It was well ahead of RC Scale Aerobatics, and even RC Electrics.  

Given the specailized nature of modern aerobatic aircraft, I found this surprising, but interesting, nevertheless.  It would be interesting to know one level deeper of detail as to why that was the case (technology? nostalgia?), but that would require another survey.

I don't exactly know how we take advantage of this, but it should at least help us maintain a good level of coverage in Model Aviation.

Incidently, the Aeromodeling Editor, Bob Hunt, wrote a column on the survey, but he did not note the hgih interest in RC Aerobatics.  I wrote him an email pointing out this omission in a kind way.  It appears to have been an oversight.  His article is at
Suggest you give the survey and the article a read.

Jon Lowe
AMA 766855
NSRCA 3612
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