Practice Regiment
george kennie
geobet at
Thu Apr 29 09:52:09 AKDT 2004
Hey Rick,
If it's not too much trouble I could sure use those powerpoint drawings
as I work with several guys in my area.
Rick Wallace wrote:
> Great question, Ed!
> First, a note about coaching and ‘study aids’ - screen shots at
> -- if anyone wants the real sheets/ powerpoints shown I can send /
> post.
> *Coaches / coaching* -- Besides being a great T-shirt shopper and
> contest morale booster, Kathy is willing to come to most of my
> practice sessions during the week – I made her a set of sequence
> diagrams in Power point – showing the geometry for each maneuver – and
> diagram sets for both flight directions. She watches the flight and
> marks problem areas in each maneuver, then after each flight we go
> over her notes.
> *Study aids* – Though people say that contest scores don’t matter, a
> couple years ago I started tracking my raw scores by contest /by
> round/ by judge (no names- just the data) in an Excel spreadsheet, and
> color coding by those scores –
> 0=magenta / 5= red/ 6=orange/ 7=yellow / 8=blue / 9=green / 10
> (rrrriiight!) = dark green
> and with high-K maneuvers highlighted in bold, italics, underline or
> some combination.
> At the beginning of a season there’s been lots of red/ orange /
> yellow
and that gives a place to start – the target being to make the
> sheet turn blue or green.
> Easy to pick up trends for a problem maneuver (vertical column of
> yellow) or a bad round (rows of yellow/ red)
and the ZEROS stick out
> like a sore thumb
> So now to the base question
> I’ve been lucky enough to be able to get out during the week, as well
> as on weekends –
> First flight is as for contest from centered takeoff to exiting the
> box. Then for the rest of that tank, either practice the stinkers, w/
> preceding and succeeding maneuvers, or re-fly the whole thing if
> nothing stuck out (and if the coach didn’t laugh too hard at something
> in particular)
> Then after EACH flight, go over maneuver by maneuver w/ the coach and
> what she saw.
> **She is also the one who spots long term trends I hadn’t caught, like
> “You’re always coming out of left-side turnarounds in a slight climb”
> After the first flight, usually fly an entire pattern w/ either focus
> on the previous flight’s problems, or on the high-payoff maneuvers
> from the score analysis sheet – the ones w/ high K and bad colors.
> 3-4 flights / reviews – when there’s time, esp early in the season -
> is about a max session for us most afternoons.
> ** Laughter or the “What the h3ll was that?! ” comments from Kathy
> usually indicate it’s time for a break
> When I’m out alone, there’s often considerable time w/ the stick plane
> between flights figuring out why that maneuver was funny, and why I
> ended up in so tight after this other one
(usually the answer’s
> ‘wings level’, btw)
> Long post – hope it helps –
> Rick
> AMA89045
> NSRCA 2972
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discussion-request at
> [mailto:discussion-request at] On Behalf Of Ed Miller
> Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2004 8:12 PM
> To: discussion at
> Subject: Practice Regiment
> Ok, the list is far too quiet so it's time to stir the pot....actually
> I'm looking for advice. Although practice makes perfect, he who burns
> the most fuel wins...etc, realistically what you all of you do to get
> the most from your practice sessions ??? Especially those that have a
> 24/7 lives and are at times lucky to get to the field once a week ??
> My personal situation the last few years is unfortunately fly very
> little, get to the contest a day early, get a few flights in (
> complete sequence in both directions ) and then do my best during
> competition. Got lucky and did well up through Advanced but that sure
> isn't going to cut it in Masters, especially in District 1. I was
> toying with breaking the sequence up in half or thirds to practice or
> ?? I'm listening...Ed M.
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