
Ron Van Putte vanputte at
Thu Oct 23 13:58:04 AKDT 2003

Bill Glaze wrote:

> I noted that only the AMA Masters class seem to be applying for a new 
> schedule.
> One of the reasons for change was stated as  being that  a majority of 
> the membership voted for change.
> The same vote tabulation stated that the other classes also wished to 
> see a schedule change.
> Is this currently being worked on?

Proposals for changes to the current 401 - 403 maneuver schedules were 
not submitted to the AMA by NSRCA.  However, IF the NSRCA Annex proposal 
passes, we will have the option of changes to all maneuver schedules as 
frequently as annually.

I don't remember that a majority 'voted' for changes to schedules other 
than the Master class.  Even so, any AMA member can submit a change 
proposal.  I have submitted several as an individual over the years. 
 One was for the takeoff direction being the pilot's option.  I 
submitted it three times before it finally passed on the third try, but 
it did pass.  So, individual proposals do get through.  People need to 
make proposals if they see the need for change and not rely on someone 
doing it for them.

Ron Van Putte

> Thanks
> Bill Glaze
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