Quest questions...

Jerry Budd jbudd at QNET.COM
Sun Nov 30 16:49:42 AKST 2003

>Most of what I have seen posted on this list about that plane is 
>that it doesn't require any mixing. His pitches to the canopy in 
>knife edge and requires a lot of down pressure on the stick when 
>inverted. Any help is appreciated.

Hi Emory,

I have no experience with the Quest but,

- if it pitches to the canopy in knife-edge
- and it takes a lot of forward stick pressure when inverted

move the CG aft, the pitching to the canopy should decrease along 
with the forward stick pressure.

If you're lucky you'll hit zero pitching at about the same time you 
get comfortable with change it pitch sensitivity.

The reverse is also true.  Most people run an aft CG and can't figure 
out why their planes go to the belly in knife-edge!


Jerry Budd
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