Bigger issues--Long as usual from me

Adam Glatt adam.g at
Wed Nov 19 13:48:27 AKST 2003

John Ferrell wrote:

>>The first contests with the current rules changes were in 2002 yet 8months
>>later the changes for the next cycle were due.....How can this be
>>properly...I submit that it can't be properly evaluated. I know the NSRCA
>>needs to be involved in the rules process.
>I do not propose anarchy, but I do think we need to do a reality check on
>the subject. I know that IMAC is a dirty word here but when it comes to
>competition they are leading the way. While we are looking at lead times in
>the area of many years, they are making box dimension adjustments in real
>time. They tweak and try changes and the world does not end.
>The AMA relationship to competition is changing from promotion of
>competition to tolerating it. They are about one step away from forbidding
>it. I cannot understand the reluctance of NSRCA to declare independence in
>the same manner as the IMAC folks.
>Both organizations are recognizing that the high dollar airplanes are
>driving the membership numbers at the moment. It is a real problem. If and
>when the IMAC starts promoting a set of classes limited to 80 inch
>airplanes, pattern as we know it will be threatened. The real problem is
>that it will take this discipline five years or more to respond to the "IMAC
>Will Rogers said: "You have a choice. You can either deal with things as
>they are or you can deal with things as they are not"!
>John Ferrell
>6241 Phillippi Rd
>Julian NC 27283
>Phone: (336)685-9606
>johnferrell at
>Dixie Competition Products
>NSRCA 479 AMA 4190  W8CCW
>"My Competition is Not My Enemy"
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Troy Newman" <troy_newman at>
>To: <discussion at>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 12:17 AM
>Subject: Re: Bigger issues--Long as usual from me
>>I'm not condemning your actions or the actions of anyone else....Rather
>>saying the current process is poor.
>>Its long and drawn out...I also know that the process caught us off guard
>>this past cycle. There were so many huge changes the time before...We were
>>still waiting for them to take effect. By the time the next cycle came up
>>seems like there is a very short time to evaluate the changes made the
>>previous in less than a single seasons flying and yet the CB
>>the AMA process takes 2+ years to do its work....
>>The first contests with the current rules changes were in 2002 yet 8months
>>later the changes for the next cycle were due.....How can this be
>>properly...I submit that it can't be properly evaluated. I know the NSRCA
>>needs to be involved in the rules process.
>>Just think we could do something better that's all.
John, don't forget that complacency with FAI F3A makes it impossible for 
the most part to change anything.

Also, you are assuming changing rules will have an affect on 
participation in pattern, which is a theory I don't agree with.

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