Fwd: Rule Change Survey Results
george kennie
geobet at gis.net
Fri Nov 14 11:34:43 AKST 2003
Gee, it sounds like Mr.Fuqua is not even interested in the concerns of our group in spite of the fact that he's listed in my copy of M.A. as being the rep for district 5. I notice that he does not seem to want the rest of the board to gain exposure to the survey results. Could that
be because he's the originator of the proposal in question?
Does he even monitor this list, which is a voice of a group of which he is a member?
How does he keep up with the heartbeat of his constituents.He must represent a very small geographical district and be able to contact everyone by word of mouth. And this guy is the chairman of the board????? I must be missing something here somewhere!!! Somebody correct my error
here. I' ve got to be wrong......(AGAIN).
Ron Van Putte wrote:
> NSRCA Discussion List members: For your information, below is an interchange I had this morning with John Fuqua, R/C Aerobatics contest board chairman regarding potential takeoff/landing rule changes, extracted from the 2002 NSRCA member survey .
> Ron Van Putte
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Fuqua John D Contr AAC/YAA <john.fuqua at eglin.af.mil>
> Date: November 14, 2003 8:49:15 AM PST
> To: "'Ron Van Putte'" <vanputte at cox.net>
> Cc: "'Tony Stillman'" <tony at radiosouthrc.com>
> Subject: RE: Rule Change Survey Results
> OK. This was the result of a personal initiative to submit Discussion List discussion to me and it is not a official NSRCA input. Duly noted. I choose not to forward THAT to the board. Again, I will forward an NSRCA input on the rules proposals should I receive one.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From:Ron Van Putte [mailto:vanputte at cox.net]
> Sent:Friday, November 14, 2003 10:41 AM
> To:Fuqua John D Contr AAC/YAA
> Subject:Re: Rule Change Survey Results
> On Nov 14, 2003, at 8:26 AM, Fuqua John D Contr AAC/YAA wrote:
> Do not know what precipitated this particular input, but I do not want to get into piecemeal NSRCA inputs to the Board. If NSRCA wants to provide a comprehensive reccommendation on all proposals, I will forward it to the Board.
> It was the topic of considerable discussion on the NSRCA Discussion List. It was suggested that the results of the survey be forwarded to the Board and I agreed to do it.
> Ron
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fuqua John D Contr AAC/YAA
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:21 AM
> To: 'Ron Van Putte'
> Cc: 'Tony Stillman'
> Subject: RE: Rule Change Survey Results
> From 2002. An old survey before the rules proposals were available to the membership. In my mind I am not sure it is still valid. Do not think there was a "2004" survey or 2003 for that matter.
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron Van Putte [mailto:vanputte at cox.net]
> Sent: Friday, November 14, 2003 10:16 AM
> To: Fuqua John D Contr AAC/YAA
> Cc: discussion at nsrca.org; Tony Stillman
> Subject: Rule Change Survey Results
> John - I have agreed to forward the results of an NSRCA survey on the
> takeoff/landing rule change proposal, which were extracted from a 2002
> K-Factor. Here they are:
> "This how those who cared to vote in the 2004 NSRCA survey, voted on
> landings and Take-off's for 2005 rules proposal changes.
> Question-10
> Should the Take off and Landing be scored in 401.
> YES = 152____ NO = 26_____ RESULT = NO CHANGE____
> Question-16
> Should take off and landings be scored in Intermediate
> YES = 156____ NO = 25_____ RESULT = NO CHANGE____
> Question-19
> Should takeoff and landings be scored in Advanced
> YES = 135____ NO = 39_____ RESULT = NO CHANGE____
> Question-24
> Should takeoff and landings be scored in Masters
> YES = 106____ NO = 60_____ RESULT = NO CHANGE____
> As you can see the majority still wanted to have them scored. The vote
> weakened a little in Masters but it still was strong for them both to
> be scored."
> As R/C Aerobatics Contest Board chairman, please distribute the results
> to the other board members prior to the final vote on this proposal.
> Ron Van Putte
> NSRCA vice president
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