Intermediate maneuver questions

Patternrules at Patternrules at
Sun May 25 22:06:32 AKDT 2003

 Cobra roll yes your right.
 The half Cuban or half reverse Cuban are taking up half the box then your 
not, one of to things, not flying far enough out or making the maneuvers to big 
remember to you have to have 15 meters of straight and level flight to begin 
and complete the maneuver.
 Cuban eight the half rolls are on the center poles with 1/4 of the half roll 
is the center of the half roll, so that would be the knife edge part.
 Reread the next maneuver is not a non rolling triangle loop the Cuban is the 
first maneuver followed by a stall turn, all the other Cubans are half Cubans 
or half reverse Cubans the maneuver before the triangle loop is a half Cuban 
which is a turnaround maneuver.

 Steve Maxwell
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