Sayre contest update

Terry Terrenoire amad2terry at
Sat May 3 02:42:51 AKDT 2003

A few weeks ago I gave you a heads up on the relocation for the "Sayre"
contest. That has changed again.
For reasons I won't go into here, we can not use the Greene airport.
We are working on 2 other sites. Our first choice is the Chenango Bridge
airport. Very similar to Sayre, grass strip with an active full scale
operation. It is also the home field for another club, so they have to
lose a weekend of use, and the full scale pilot's association has to give
their approval.
Our 2nd choice is the airport in Sydney, NY. this is also an active
airport and it is within 3 miles of an active model flying site. We have
gotten agreemen from the club to shut down operations for the weekend,
and their members can travel to Endicott to fly from the AGS field for
the weekend. All that remains for this site is to get Town Baord
approval, but the airport manager thinks it will be a formality.
So, there you have it, gentlemen. The AGS hosted contest is still planned
for the second weekend in June, we just don't know where it will be held.
The Chenango Bridge site is just north of Binghamton. the Sidney site is
about 1/2 hour from Binghamton, off of route 88. I believe it is exit 6,
but I'm not sure.
I will keep this site posted as to any changes, and final decision, as
soon as conditions warrant.

Terry T.
President, AGS
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