Nat Penton's Carbon Tube Landing Gear

george kennie geobet at
Sun Jul 27 16:55:04 AKDT 2003

Hi Matt,
Can you include me in the pix list please?

Rcmaster199 at wrote:

> To all who are interested in this extremely light, inexpensive,
> serviceable landing gear method Nat Penton devised, send me a private
> message for a pic. Pics don't post well on the discussion board
> evidently.
> Matt Kebabjian
>> Thanks John.
>> Nat and computers do not mix unfortunately . I have no pointer to
>> give except how he described them to me.
>> The carbon tubing is standard .230"x.130" stock tubing from CST
>> Sales and the fairing material is thin plastic stock from Sullivan.
>> These are simply superglued in place. They are thin enough to be
>> flexible apparently and the carbon is flexible enough in 10 inch
>> strut length, to make a good package. The carbon tube only has a 130
>> ID which means a 1/8" axle.
>> The mount couldn't be simpler: a short length of Dave Brown arrow
>> shaft serves as socket. It is mounted onto a 3/32" ply plate, flat
>> against the plate with Kevlar binder thread. He mounts his plates in
>> the wing usually, vertically, with the correct rake angle built in,
>> and Pro Bond's them in. The socket extends about an inch below the
>> wing's surface and accepts the strut with a little flex ca holding
>> them in.
>> Simple and effective with minimum fuss and very low cost. His planes
>> are around 8 pounds but no reason this couldn't hold at least 25%
>> heavier models. He has yet to break one; the flex ca holding the
>> strut in, does fine he sez.
>> regards
>> Matt
>> > Subj:Re: fixed gear vs. retracts
>> > Date:7/17/2003 11:52:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time
>> > From:johnferrell at
>> > Reply-to:discussion at
>> > To:discussion at
>> > Sent from the Internet
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Keep the articles coming!
>> > If you have a pointer to a picture of the Carbon tubing gear I am
>> > sure I am not the only one interested.
>> >
>> > I am in total agreement that it is better to make our planes
>> > serviceable rather than indestructible!
>> >
>> >
>> > John Ferrell
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